Search Results
Edwin F. García - Implementation of the TRIGRS model with reliability analysis for hazard assessment
Tiago Damas Martins - Assessing shallow landslide hazards using the TRIGRS and SHALSTAB models...
Roberto J. Marin - Physically-based landslide susceptibility analysis using Monte Carlo simulation
Rainfall Thresholds for Shallow Landslides using Physically-Based Model: TRIGRS in Colombian Andes
Emir Ahmet Oguz - Effects of soil heterogeneity on susceptibility of shallow landslides
Landslide runout modelling with LISEM (Physically-based simulation)
3MT | University of Canterbury | Modelling hazards & risks of landslide dams
ICGE2020 | Landslides and slope stability | Landslide Initiation and Rainfall Thresholds
大規模坡體滑動及相關地質災害評估 瑞士洛桑大學-Michel JABOYEDOFF教授
Be LandScient: A Research Journey to Save Lives – The Story of Roberto J. Marin and LandScient
La historia de Roberto J. Marin y LandScient: Un viaje de investigación para salvar vidas
كن عالمًا في مجال الأرض: رحلة بحثية لإنقاذ الأرواح – قصة روبرتو جيه مارين وعالم الأرض